Rs. 20000/- will be given as a lump sum assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death of the bread-winner. It is clarified that any event of death (natural or otherwise) would make the family eligible for assistance. A woman in the family, who is a home maker, is also considered as a 'bread-winner' for this purpose. The family benefit will be paid to such surviving member of the household of the deceased poor, who after local inquiry, is found to be the head of the household. For the purpose of the scheme, the term "household" would include spouse, minor children, unmarried daughter and dependent parents. In case of death of an unmarried adult, the term household would include minor brothers/sisters and dependent parents. The death of such a bread-winner should have occurred while he/she is more than 18 years of age and less than 60 years of age. The assistance would be given to every case of death of bread-winner in a family.


  • Rs. 20000/- will be given to the
  • the bereaved house hold
  • (Age 18-60 years)


Schemes is applicable for persons belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) category and for those persons who cover in Socio Economic Caste Census 2011(SECC)

Whom to contact

District Social Security Officer

Grievances Redressal

• District Social Security Officer

• Head Office, Helpline (0172 -2608746)


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